
What do you need?

Fix UP

599 €

We step in your project and fix up any issues you might have with JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, Nuxt, React, Next, or any other modern web technology.

  • 10 hours of development web
  • 1 hours of design

Start UP

from999 €

We build your page in 2 weeks. We use the latest technologies and best practices to ensure your product is scalable and maintainable.

  • Responsive Website
  • SEO Optimized
  • 3 Pages included
  • 1 Form
  • A CMS for you to edit the content

Scale UP

Contact us

We build your page in 4 weeks. We use the latest technologies and best practices to ensure your product is scalable and maintainable. We provide tools to make it easier for you to edit the text and content.

  • Responsive Website
  • SEO Optimized
  • 5 Pages included
  • 2 Forms
  • 2 Databases
  • A CMS for you to edit the content

Let's talk

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